Research & Development Cell

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

Preamble of Research and Development cell

(College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat)


Round the year, faculty, staff and students of the college conduct various research activities which include publications in international and national journals and conferences of repute, PhD guidance, book publications, patents, projects, organization of conference/ workshops/ seminars in emerging areas etc. Now we strive for excellence in academic research and engineering development. Accordingly, an independent R&D Cell has been established in terms of Item No. 52.14 of the minutes of 52nd BOG held on 7th April, 2022. The cell will promote and monitor all the R & D activities of the College and allied areas. The cell will be chaired by a senior faculty member. Other faculty members, TAs and students will be co-opted as members to be selected by the chairman in consultation with the Director.



Financial Support

All innovative research & development works will be processed by BOG.

Research & Development Activities

  1. In-house R & D projects
  2. Sponsored Research Projects /Grants from various funding agencies
  3. Consultancy work with Industry
  4. Guidance/supervision of Patenting
  5. Guidance/supervision of PhD work
  6. Presentation and publication of research work
  7. Participation in seminar/conference/ workshop etc.
  8. Journal Review
  9. Invited Talk /guest lecturer (research oriented)

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